Mindful Teacher Online Course

Learn simple mindfulness techniques to find peace in the classroom and in your life

  Enroll in Course

The Mindful Teacher - Level 1

** This course is available to start immediately **

This 5 session beginner level program, is designed specifically for teachers/ educators, however it would also be useful for any adult who works or interacts in settings with children. The course includes a balance of learning about mindfulness and practical applications to use everyday in the class or when working with children.. so you can...

'Find peace in the classroom, and free yourself from teacher stress and anxiety!'

At no other time in my long history as an educator, have I felt more called to support the wellbeing of educators across the globe working in schools, preschools, centres and educational settings. This is a time to be united in strength for our students, our colleagues, our communities, and our families.

Now more than ever, we are being called into action to stand strong in calm and inner peace.

To do this... we need to focus on our own wellbeing and mental health first, eg: "put on your own oxygen mask before tending to others"

As a school leader, I have seen first hand how excellent teachers who really care about their students and the job they do, get burnt out and stressed by the demands of this profession...

I have seen brilliant teachers doubting their ability, being overwhelmed by challenging students or feeling personally affronted by tricky parents, and not having the tools to know how to take control and manage these situations any differently.

I also know, before I learnt mindfulness practices, this use to be me too...

Mindfulness is a powerful practice to manage emotions, reduce anxiety and improve overall feelings of wellbeing. Mindfulness can be used to become more aware of our responses, create calm & space to be fully present in the role of educator.

I believe that the development of wellbeing skills for educators is as important as the wellbeing skills we teach our students. I felt so passionate about this focus, that I quit my school leadership role and am now offering a series of mindfulness courses specifically for educators that address the issues that teachers face everyday in their lives and in their classrooms.

After many many requests... our popular Mindful Teacher Program has been released as a 5 week Online Program that can be completed at your own pace and schedule. You also get lifetime access to all the resources, videos and online content.

Here is what you will learn about and practice each session...

Session 1: An introduction to mindfulness in education

  • Our ruminating teachers’s mind
  • How mindfulness changes the brain
  • Identifying our challenges in teaching
  • Guided practices: Feel your feet & breathe

Session 2: Getting out of auto-pilot

  • Automaticity in the brain
  • Engaging the senses
  • Living & teaching on auto-pilot
  • Guided practices: Savouring & Being present in the class

Session 3: The body-mind connection

  • Our visceral system
  • Tuning into our body/ emotions
  • Managing difficult situations in the classroom
  • Guided practices: Body scan & Sound

Session 4: Mindful Movement

  • Body-mind connection in movement
  • Power of mindsets & positive education
  • Gratitude: The heart of teaching
  • Guided practices: Movement & Gratitude Walk

Session 5: Our storytelling mind

  • Noticing our thoughts in the classroom
  • Thoughts are just thoughts
  • Cultivating compassion for our students & self
  • Guided practices: Observing thoughts

Course participants will receive :

  • immediate access to the entire Mindful Teacher Course materials
  • practical applications of the skills within a class or educational setting
  • pdf downloads to support the weekly lessons
  • opportunity to connect online with other participants
  • support from the course facilitator
  • 1 year access to the online resources
  • lesson videos that can be completed in one sitting or slowly over the week
  • a certificate for 5 hours professional development upon completion
  • All the course materials which can be completed at your own pace and schedule.

Group sizes for each course will be limited to enable participants to receive weekly online support if required.


"Mindfulness practices provide educators with explicit tools & strategies for improving self awareness, emotional resilience, compassion, concentration, self-regulation, positive mind-sets and overall feelings of wellbeing"

Your Instructor

Jan Carey
Jan Carey

Jan Carey is the founder and facilitator of the Centre for Mindful Education.
She has completed international mindfulness certification training in:

  • Mindfulness .b Program, UK
  • Mindful Schools Program, New York
  • MBCT Training

Jan is a highly skilled teacher and leader with over 30 years teaching experience. She has worked in primary and secondary schools in metropolitan and rural locations, and has held various school leadership roles, including 9 years as a primary school principal. She is an engaging and well informed presenter, who truly understands the complexity and challenges of the educational role. She has now helped over 2,500 educators with mindfulness techniques through workshops, courses, retreats and whole school programs.

To see more about the Centre for Mindful Education programs, staff training courses, events and retreats... go to https://www.centreformindfuleducation.com/

You can contact Jan at [email protected]

Testimonials from our Mindful Teacher Program participants

"I have recommend this course to other staff - and feel all teachers in the school should do this course"

"Even just after our session today I feel a better sense of calm at home with the family and feel more at ease with my thought process towards work next week and beyond."

"I am a primary school counsellor who has worked with children and families from disadvantaged backgrounds for over 20 years and found not only new skills whilst doing the course, but had many 'ah ha' moments along the way."

"Love that I can and have used these mindful moments in both work and home life"

"I have had a tough start to the year and am so grateful for this experience"

"The 'ground down and breathe' exercise we did early on was really valuable and is something I always use now when having the more 'difficult' conversations, especially with parents. I found all the strategies taught to be really helpful in my personal journey."

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
You will receive immediate access to the entire online course materials as soon as you register
What format will the course content be in?
I truly understand how busy (and tired) teachers/ educators can get, so the course materials will primarily be presented in video style. You will also get access to audio files, pdfs and further links if you are interested in learning or reading more. You can listen and watch the videos as many times as you want. You have lifetime access after all!
How much time will I need to spend completing the course?
The face to face course typically consists of 5 x 1 hour weekly sessions. This online course replicates most of the same content, so expect to allow about the same time over the week. You can of course break this down to smaller amounts of time over a number of days if that helps. This course provides all the course materials immediately - so that you can complete during the school holidays.
Will I need to be online at a certain time each week?
No, this course is completing asynchronous, so you can access your materials anytime, from anywhere.
Is mindfulness easy to learn?
At first the mind wanders constantly, but with practice we learn to sustain our attention and direct it more skilfully. This helps break the grip of unhelpful mental habits, judgements and impulses, making way for greater calm, and for more helpful, kinder and rational thinking about all aspects of life. However, it takes practice!
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for 1 year - across any and all devices you own.

Get started now!